Category Archives: FreeBSD

Encrypted subversion authentication storage with mdconfig

Once I converted my personal repository to subversion the first thing that bugged me was the unencrypted storage of passwords. This was similar to how cvs worked, but at least with cvs you could log out and the password was removed. Additionally, once could use ssh and skip storage of passwords all together. While it’s possible to use subversion with ssh, it adds a number of issues that I didn’t like about cvs in the first place, most notably the requirement of having a real (possibly restricted shell) account on the server side. Thus, I decided to look in to options to encrypt that storage.
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Porstnap exit hooks

Whenever I start a new machine in a new environment, I try to simply use the vanilla port tree. It will only be hours before I start patching things. Mostly minutes, because there’s one annoying feature in portmaster that I immediately get rid of. However, when you modify ports and don’t want to deal with cvsup, cvs or heaven forbid, downloading the ports tree from your local FreeBSD mirror via FTP you use portsnap.
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